Exhibitor Load-In Information

We strongly advise that you read and understand this correspondence in its entirety. This information represents the best, most up-to-date information we’ve currently got. We ask for patience and understanding, as we are also often in a position of having to solve a lot of unexpected headaches on set-up day and some of this information may be slightly altered or amended as we get to the show setup itself. We try to plan for all contingencies, but we are human. We thank you in advance for working with us on solving problems and having a smooth setup.



Exhibitor set up is from 9:00AM to 7:00PM on THURSDAY [10/3/24] and 9:00AM to 1:00PM on FRIDAY [10/4/24] Failure to be set-up in this window, without prior discussion, may result in the forfeiture of your table(s). Please discuss with the promoter immediately if you absolutely cannot make your set up times. We cannot promise that we'll be able to accommodate, but we'll give it our best shot.



Upon arrival, please head directly to the LOADING DOCK and check in with show staff. Upon completion of check-in, a volunteer will guide you to your table/booth/endcap. Do not attempt to find your space prior to checking in.



Friday: 2:00PM to 10:00PM

Saturday: 11:00AM to 12:00AM

Sunday: 11:00AM to 5:00PM


Note on Hours

We understand that Saturday is an incredibly long day, and we have no expectations of exhibitors being at their table for 13+ hours. Exhibitors should anticipate being at their table for at least 8 hours to ensure they can maximize their potential window for customer interaction, but we anticipate that the exhibitor floor will likely slow down around 6:00PM-7:00PM. This is not a guarantee of a slowdown, or an expectation to set, but an educated guess. We encourage you to consider your own business needs and include some coverings to hide your product if you need/want to step away from your booth. We will have staff & uniformed security maintaining a walk-around of the hall, but you are responsible for the safe storage and transportation of your goods. Exhibitors should NOT tear down their tables prior to 5:00PM on Sunday. Early teardown will result in exhibitor(s) being banned from participating in future shows. Likewise, if it seems like you’ve set up at the show and failed to keep your table open for any viable duration, you may also be disinvited from participating in future shows. Remember- you're here to sell stuff, too, so we want to give you the chance to do so. If you're not at your table, you can't sell stuff to people. Use your best judgment.



- Please remember that all Exhibitors are bound by the Terms of Exhibiting, visible at: https://www.pittsburghgamingexpo.com/terms-of-exhibiting as well as the PGX Code of Conduct.

- Exhibitors will check in on Thursday/Friday at the Administration Desk on the Loading Dock and will be handed an EXHIBITOR badge and/or a color-coded wristband. You will only be provided as many as you need, based on the name and quantity of helpers on your application. Please make sure we have updated helper counts and name-lists prior to September 25, 2024 or you may not receive enough badges/wristbands.

-Helpers should be helping at your table, and not coming just to attend the show for free. We have been happy to provide a non-capped helper admission thus far, but we will eliminate free passes for helpers if we catch anyone abusing this. Exhibitors have continued to be genuinely respectful of this rule, and we’d like to keep this option open to the exhibitors to make sure they get to enjoy the show, as well as make some money and maintain help at their booth.

DO NOT BLOCK THE LOADING DOCK DOORS. No parking, no loitering, no abandoning product, palettes or boxes, etc. Please. We want to keep a steady and unimpeded flow of traffic in and out of the convention center. 

- If you lose your badge, it will be $35.00 for a replacement.


- Parking should be at the Monroeville Convention Center and if possible, further from the entrance to allow guests to park closer to the show. DO NOT PARK IN THE BURLINGTON/JO-ANN FABRICS/HOMEGOODS/OLLIES/ETC parking lots. They do tow parking violators, and we don't want to create a situation where our exhibitors or attendees will have to contend with local ordinances or law enforcement.



- We will have information on renewal at the show, as we are still finalizing information at this time.