So, What THEHECK is A PGX? The Pittsburgh Gaming Expo isa festival of gaming—and of all things that go -real good- with gaming: All the gaming we love-like arcade & pinballold and new consoles, VR Experiences and anything in between. Live Performances Fromsome tremendously geeky bands and artistswho are -into- this stuff, too. Some of the most beloved[and some up-and-coming]Content creators who specialize inall things gaming. Collaborative storytellingwith Tabletop RPGs—and unexpected [or competitive] experiences inTrading Cards and Board Games. Some of the BestVendors and exhibitorsof gaming goodies and other geekyproducts we can find. renowned tattoo artists who domore than just geeky ink-but they’re damn-good at geekyand creating lifetime memories. Literally.